November 17, 2005

Mothers of Boys

Mothers of Boys may relate to this, I went to school today and checked the lost property box and there I found no less than SIX shoes belonging to my son Cameron. SIX SHOES!, two of them aren't even a pair! ( had the other unmatched ones at home). How does this happen? more like how OFTEN does this happen?
Days of threats about bringing home shoes, hats, lunchboxes etc fall on deaf ears. Often you hear in our house "Yes Mum, I did check the lost property, for sure, and I just couldn't find my shoes/lunchbox/hat/jearsey/etc.
As a last resort today Cam had to wear his big brothers shoes (he had none left himself) . As he was walking to the bus he tripped over in those big shoes and grazed both knees badley. We heard the cries from the house (our drive is 350m long) and went and helped Cam. We waveed bye to his brother on the bus and then took him home to clean up his knees. I drove him to school and sent him in with no shoes at all. ( I always said I would never send my kids to school with bare feet). Cam was so upset, scrapping his knees, missing the bus and having no shoes to wear to school. I explained in vain again that this is what happens when you forget your shoes, and that because HE forgot his shoes HE had to wear bare feet.
As I leave the classroom I have one last look in the lost propery box and there to my disbelief (as I have looked there many times already) I find his new sandals - on top - which makes my think another child must have taken them home on accident and then brought them back. Once I found the sandals I decided to look through the other stuff incase there are any jearseys etc, and that's when I found the total of SIX SHOES ( and a pair of soxs).
Oh, I can see this is as a never ending saga, boy and shoes just don't seem to gel, I am up for a heck of a lot more lost property visits before this saga is over!

November 14, 2005

Boating Days

Boating Days are good for the soul.
A couple of weekends ago, after the stress of our PTA Gala (we raised $15,000) we finally had a family day out. There was a noticeable lack of wind, and the Manukau Bar (pictured) was very flat. I had not been out to the bar before, so it was great to get out in the boat and just cruuzzz the water, without too much fishing on the agenda.
We went right to the harbour entrance, and I was very inspired by the rugged coastline on one side contrasted with the bushy hills of Huia and Cornwallis on the other side.
There is nothing like getting out on the water, and viewing natures splendor to restore the soul.

November 10, 2005

First Time

Yep every blogger has a first time,everyone has to do it, take the plunge and start their own blog instead of reading everyone elses, so now its my turn.
Today was pretty cool, I got compliented on the tasty dinner, and all three children (and dad) ate it without complaining or needing threats, (not what super nanny would do). The computer man came today and improved my home network heaps, and tomorrow is Friday - always a great day in my books.
This week the kids had a trikeathon at kindy, big laughs, Cameron on a Pony (we are so not a horsy family), Ben the red devil blitzing the other kids on the bike track, and showing great potential for awards in Road Rage for 2006, and Az on the Magic Carpet ride, which is not even a carpet, rather a 4wd motorbike pulling around a wheelbarrow tub, OSH would have loved that, but there is too much goody too shoes and OSH stuff these days and it was great to see flagrent abuse of regulations and good old fashioned fun had by all.
The boys are really improving in swimming lessons, which makes the often unappreciated taxi ride everyone gets worth it! I see if I can upload some photos.
Cheers for Now